NOWETECH supports you in building the security of your information system, structuring your organizations and training your teams in order to organize an efficient and scalable delivery.


NoweTech SAS, expert in IT security

Audit, security, perimeter, transport control and disaster recovery solutions.

To ensure optimal protection of their data and information systems, 21st century companies need an expert in IT security.

Specialist in cyber security and IT and telecom networks, NOWETECH SAS assists all types of organizations in the design and implementation of a security strategy for their IS.



To help you carry out your IT projects in a timely manner, NOWETECH selects its best experts for you.

With employees having more than 30 years of experience in the IT sector and in IT security, NOWETECH SAS is among the best offers available on the market at human size.

Faced with a severe lack of competent resources on the market, our customers rely on the expertise of NOWETECH consultants to cope with a peak load or the adoption of new technologies.

NOWETECH at the end of its service, carries out a transfer of skills to the operational staff to ensure full autonomy on a daily basis.

© Copyright. All Rights reserved to NOWETECH

NOWETECH SAS (Société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 5.000,00€ ), RCS de Paris, siège social : 19 Rue du Bois Galon, 94120 Fontenay sous-bois), numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR44830917951, Greffe : RCS Paris, Code NAF / APE : 4651Z, date d'immatriculation : 04/07/2017 

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