Identify IS vulnerabilities and reduce the level of risk exposure of your infrastructures and applications.


Make your infrastructures more efficient to optimize the performance of your information system.


24/7 detection, remediation and exploitation.


Our mission is to accompany you on a daily basis to make you autonomous and optimize your information system.

NOWETECH, IT security expert 

Audit, security, perimeter, transport control and disaster recovery solutions 

To ensure optimal protection of their data and information system, businesses in the 21st century need an IT security expert.

Specialist in cyber security and IT and telecom networks, NOWETECH supports all types of organizations in the design and implementation of an IS security strategy.

With partners having over 30 years of experience in the IT sector and in IT security, NOWETECH ranks among the best offers available on the human scale. 

IT infrastructure and network management 

It is not enough to design and install IT infrastructures and networks in accordance with the needs and requirements of each company's businesses.

Indeed, it must also be taken care of by implementing an appropriate management and security strategy and entrusting the creation and implementation of this to real experts.

In addition, it is also necessary to plan the maintenance, audit, and improvement operations necessary to maintain their performance at an optimal level at all times. All these tasks should also be left to the care of experienced professionals. In addition, among the operations relating to the management of information systems and computer networks of companies, their security is also essential.

If you do not have the opportunity to recruit dedicated staff internally, you can opt to outsource these services to specialized companies such as NOWETECH SAS. 

The importance of IT security in large companies 

Nowadays, espionage and hacking, the risks of data theft by people authorized or not to reach the network of the company are more than real. In addition, the number of computer viruses that can damage data or affect the proper functioning of the network is only increasing.

In large companies and in companies operating in high-risk sectors such as finance, energy, aeronautics, military, etc., securing information and the computer network is essential since a large part of their support and know-how is computerized, and that many of their activities and performances are based on those of their information system.

Given these challenges, it is essential that companies entrust the installation and management of the security system of their information system to computer security experts. 


Committed partners to support your projects

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NOWETECH SAS (Société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 5.000,00€ ), RCS de Paris, siège social : 19 Rue du Bois Galon, 94120 Fontenay sous-bois), numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR44830917951, Greffe : RCS Paris, Code NAF / APE : 4651Z, date d'immatriculation : 04/07/2017 

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